Saturday 21 October 2017

Centurion Autumn 100 - 21/10/17 - 22:20:25

Took a couple of weeks of from the WW50 hoping that the rest will do me some good for the A100.  Strategy for this one is to try and aim for a PB but given that storm Brian is on it's way it maybe unlikely.

Decide to set of at an average pace of 5mph which should get me a PB (including breaks) if I can maintain the pace throughout the race.

As the course is out and back for each 12.5 miles (four separate spurs), before reaching checkpoint 1 the front runners are already going at a cracking pace and they seem to be a few good miles ahead already.

Decide not to take on any water or food at checkpoint 1 and crack on back the way I came.

Coming back to checkpoint 2 the only obstacle seems to be crossing a main road, apart from that the first spur is flat, most of which is trail running.

I reach the second checkpoint (Goring village hall 25 miles) in a time of 04:22:47 and have moved up to position 108.

The second spur takes me from Goring to Swyncombe and  (37.5 miles) in a time of 06:57:05 (86th) and the return leg in 09:26:24 (71st for 50 miles).   

The third spur takes me from Goring to Chain Hill and back again.  This is when Storm Brian starts to take it's effect as I struggle in the cold and wind to make some impact.  Especially when darkness falls and I'm no longer on course for a PB.  With the effects of Storm Brian I struggle to jog along level paths as the wind bites fiercely against my face.  At the checkpoint I huddle in a back of a lorry but I'm soon feeling the cold and decide to have some JD cakes to see if I can warm myself up.  I then leave the checkpoint cold hoping that the return leg will be quicker with the wind helping to push me along.  The JD cakes didn't work in my favour and I am feeling a bit sick now.  I loose a bit of time carrying on a track instead of taking a left turn despite having gone out already and now done the return leg and this is also my third A100.   I'm still struggling with Storm Brian and I recognise that a PB is out of the question so instead I aim for second fastest time instead of 21:59:45.  I reach Goring in a time of 15:54:37 (75 miles) moving up to position 60. 

Reaching the fourth and final spur despite the effects of the cold (my gloves are not doing the job) I feel energised heading in the checkpoint as I see fellow runners struggling.  This final spur takes me from Goring to Reading.

I've lost time at the last spur plus taking a extended break to eat some hot pasta.  Nevertheless my aim now is to finish the race in my third best time for a 100 miler sub 23 hours.

This spur is easier with Storm Brian no longer taking effect.  I manage to what seem to be going at a faster pace as I finish in a time of 22:20:25 finishing in a position of 45th - 3rd quickest time for a 100 miler and competing the grand slam of four 100's in a calendar year.

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