Sunday 4 February 2018

Pilgrims Challenge - Day 2 - 04/02/18 - 06:53:06

After finishing Day 1 of the Pilgrims Challenge at around a quarter past three in the afternoon we finish at the Warwick School in Reigate.  I take a shower, use a roller and protein recovery drink as part of my cool down, have some dinner, give the MDS Q&A session a miss (too tired) and have an early night sleeping in the schools gymnasium.  The following morning I have some breakfast and then start off again at nine o' clock.

The race route is in reverse to yesterday so instead of going from The Sands to Reigate, this route goes from Reigate to to The Sands.  The plan is the same as yesterday - not looking for a PB but just to jog at JOGLE pace and to see how I fare - jog for four miles at ten minutes per mile and then for the fifth mile power walk at fifteen minute per mile.  Any hills I don't feel capable of jogging up I'll walk it.

It soon becomes apparent that I'm feeling fresh so the plan to take it easy has gone out of the window for the time being as I find myself at the front of the starting pack.  This become apparent when comparing the first five miles of Day 2 to the last five miles of Day 1 as the Day 2 pace is one a half minutes up on Day 1 using the Grade Adjusted Pace (GAP).  Will the faster pace takes it toll later on?  The next five miles are pretty much neck and neck - with Day 2 times coming in 30 seconds quicker.  The next five miles (eleven to fifteen) sees me going quicker again as I'm nearly four minutes quicker for Day 2 which reflects the fact that I did not power walk on mile fifteen (9.51 min/mile).  If I can carry on at this pace I will certainly beat Day 1's time.  Without taking a power walking session for the last five miles, I decide to take one for miles 16 to 20 but although I'm jogging one mile each at 9, 10,11 and 12 min/mile on Day 1 I'm jogging 8 and 9 min/mile apart from the power walking session.  This five mile split is now over seven minutes slower than Day 1 which is also reflective in 'traffic'.  I was not able to pass some joggers on certain parts of the trail and when I do it's going uphill on mile 17.  The faster pace is now beginning to take it's toll.  For miles twenty-one to twenty-five I've decided once again not to take a power walking session as I'm now trying to recoup the time lost in the last five mile sector.  This makes me nearly four minutes quicker than the last five mile sector.  The early stages of the race have now taken it's toll as for miles 26 to 30 I'm down a massive twelve minutes on the previous day this is despite doing no power walking.  For the final section again (miles 31 to 33) I'm down another six minutes as I'm struggling to jog along the road to the finish.  I make it to the finish in a time of 06:53:06, 84th overall, 31st in my age category and 73rd for the men.  Time to recuperate and reflect on making sure that I stick to the plan for JOGLE, jog miles 1-4, power walk mile 5 and repeat ....

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