Wednesday 12 August 2020

NDW100 - DNF - 78 miles - 20:00:12

NDW 100

DNF with a time of 20:00:12 after 78 miles.

Lessons learnt from this race were:

1) Drink.  There was no checkpoint 1 due to Covid so the first available checkpoint was at the 15 mile mark.  Tested this during training and I needed 1.5L.  At the 10 mile mark I knew I would have run out by the time I got to the checkpoint so alternating with drink one mile and no drink the next until I got to the checkpoint.  From then on it was about 10 miles to each checkpoint so having 1.0L of litre would have been sufficient had it not been for the heat. 

2) Food.  I was wasn't eating enough.  I had energy gels, snack bars and sweets which worked in training.  However, doing a maximum of 30 miles to testing was different to the NDW100.  I should have eaten 60-90g carbs per hour but instead I was eating half that amount.  Moving forward will also need to add more variety to my food.  Would also need to add some sandwiches to the mix to soak up the gels.

3) Lacked judgement to change the strategy.  I decided to go for a sub 21 hour finish.  The heat conditions totally passed me by and stuck to the 21 hour pace.  This then went pear shaped come the 40 mile mark when I was starting to feel sick.  I then decided to change strategy and stick to a sub 24 hour finish. In hindsight I should have stuck to the sub 24 hour finish from the start given the conditions. 

4) Kit.  Tested my kit during training but could have been better.  I knew it was going to be hot but I still went with my traditional black leggings.
I should have switched to some short leggings.  The long leggings also gave me some chaffing because I was carrying some gels in the pockets but this wasn't an issue during training.  My legionnaires hat stopped me from having a suntan but it heated up my head.  During the checkpoints I soaked my hat and took it off when  my head started to warm up again.  My Raidlight Revolutiv 24L didn't really cut the mustard.  It tears easily, taking items out of the bag is annoying with the bungee cords and just won't last.  I'll try a different rucksack for my next 100 miler

5).  Unhelpful comments by the Centurion volunteers.  Probably best if I keep my opinions to myself on this one like what the Centurion volunteers should have done.  I've done four NDW100's in a row.  After spending an hour in a bush at the side of a lane puking my guts up I knew a sub 24 hour finish was out of the question.  That was goal - not doing a 20 mile death march just to please someone else's objectives.  

Despite these lessons this was actually my best NDW100 in five attempts.  I was on target for a sub 21 hour finish until I had stomach issues.  Sort that out and a sub 24 hour finish for the NDW100 is in sight. 


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