Saturday 22 August 2020

Salomon Adv Skin 12 Set Goji Berry

Salomon Adv Skin 12 (12L).  

This will be a very short review as it's so good especially when compared to the UD 12L alternative I used for JOGLE 2019 ...  I used my 2L bladder - couldn't fit it in at first so ditched the thermal carrier which looks like a hot water bottle you might use to keep you warm at night.  I couldn't find anywhere decent to tie the hose pipe thingy (which you put in your mouth to get your drink from) to stop it flapping about so after faffing about whilst jogging where to stick it I started with it under the bungee cords but that became awkward when trying to get some fluid from the hose pipe thingy.  I then opted for one of the pockets - the one with the mini-bag (big enough to hold a few small Easter eggs) attached but the hose pipe thingy keep falling out.  Alternative number 3 was when I stuck it in the right-hand pocket (once again a bit awkward as I'm left-handed or a lefty as some might say but I'm actually semi-dexterous - too many products are right-handed designed - you won't know what I'm banging on about unless your a lefty) but the hose pipe thingy kept falling out.  In the end I stuck it in the right-hand pocket the one with the zip and that worked fine.   Normally when a backpack is designed for bladders/platypuses (no idea why there called a platypus as it doesn't look like one) they have a small hole to put the hose pipe thingy through but there wasn't one on the Salomon.  It could do with somewhere to tie it too.  The other concern was heat spots.  Yeah you heard me right - heat spots.  I normally only talk about heat spots when referring to trainers and/or feet.  However, on this occasion I was getting some heat spots on the left hand side of the chest but as the bungee cords worked well to keep the backpack nice and tight I shouldn't really complain.  It might be an issue on longer runs with chaffing.  The final fault was with the instructions.  There weren't any!  I was expecting some instructions as to what this fastener or that fastener is used for but I guess I can find that out online.  Now I've had my winge now for the +ives.  The pockets at the front are so expandable you could fit many double-deckers in there (the chocolate not the bus); it also came with 2 water bottles which I wasn't expecting (but declined to use them and stuck to the soft-flask but hard wearing UD one's) and you can also fit alot in the rear pocket.  This backpack is 12L but it seems to be able to carry so much more with the expandable pockets at the front.  The way it's looking at the moment (although I haven't got all of my foodstuffs yet) I might be able to use this for the FKT NDW self-supported attempt.  Today, I carried 3L of fluid, 3 x small bags of Macadamia nuts, 1 x small bag of Fruit & Nut mix, 2 x Mobile phones, 2 x packets of toilet wet wipes, Pebble charger (plus carry case and Garmin and phone connectors), keys, the Petzl head lamp (which went down from 3 to 1 bar) and my waterproof jacket.

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